
Russian Foreign Ministry: Western Media is 'Accomplice' in Bucha Crime

Moscow has repeatedly underlined that it views the situation in the Ukrainian city of Bucha as "yet another provocation" created by Kiev specifically for the Western media.
Moscow accuses the Western media, particularly that of the United States, of complicity in the Bucha crime, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
During a daily briefing, the ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the Western politicians are personally responsible for "supporting the crime" committed by the Kiev regime.
According to her, they did not even try to investigate what happened in Bucha, immediately proceeding to pointing the finger at Russia.
"There is so much evidence of the innocence of the Russian side that we should close this topic", Zakharova said, noting that the discourse should be changed into "directly accusing the Ukrainian regime and all those assisting it".
The ministry's spokeswoman underlined that the "Bucha fake" was created in order to justify the premeditated Western sanctions and undermined the peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.
Zakharova noted that there has to be an investigation into the potential involvement of Western special services in the events that took place in Bucha.
"The discussion in the UN Security Council showed that our Western colleagues shied away from analysing the flagrant inconsistencies in the footage from Bucha that was shown by their media", Zakharova pointed out. "They were not going to discuss anything from that footage, they simply made their accusatory statements and wanted to close the topic".
Her remarks come as the UK has denied Russia's requests to hold an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council over Bucha - something that Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia blasted as an "unprecedented" move.
The accusations against Russia of alleged atrocities committed in the city of Bucha continue to arrive, with the West saying that Moscow has committed "war crimes", and Ukraine accusing Russian troops of committing "genocide".
Ukrainian and Western media outlets have been promoting footage from the city in the Kiev region showing bodies strewn across the streets of Bucha, claiming that they are of murdered civilians. However, the authenticity of the claims has even been questioned by social media users, who noted that some of the "corpses" appear to move or even stand up when they are no longer in front of the camera.
Moscow has categorically denied the allegations of Russia killing civilians, saying that the footage from Bucha is staged specifically to be promoted in the Western media to slander Russia and sabotage the ongoing peace talks between Moscow and Kiev.