The Backstory

Senator Calls Biden's 'Disinformation Board' Unconstitutional

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events including Ukraine cracking down on ‘traitors’ helping Russian troops, and a former US Marine killed while fighting in Ukraine.
Mark Frost - Economist, Professor, Consultant, and Libertarian| Legalizing Marijuana in Georgia, The Significance of Elon Musk Buying Twitter, and The Nature of Profit
Tyler Nixon - Attorney, Media Relations Specialist | Former Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden, The Ministry of Truth, and Joe Biden Violating the Constitution
In the first hour, Lee spoke with Mark Frost about former President Bush, profits from work, and the fight for free speech. Mark explained his work in a coalition to legalize marijuana in Georgia and the stigmas on marijuana. Mark talked about the Texas Rangers baseball team and how Former President Bush used the sale of the team.
In the second hour, Lee spoke with Tyler Nixon about the Abraham Bolden pardon , President Biden, and the 2022 midterms. Tyler spoke about Nina Jankowicz and her appointment as the head of the Disinformation Governance Board. Tyler described the possible paths to the impeachment of Joe Biden and the attacks on free speech.
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