
Chinese Modern Attack Chopper Reportedly Flew Into Taiwan Air Zone for First Time

Crossing the median line is reportedly not a typical occurrence, with the latest such incident involving People's Liberation Army aircraft occurring on September 19, 2020, according to the War Zone. The event, which featured a mix of J-16, J-10, and J-11 fighters, took place during US Under Secretary of State Keith Krach's visit to Taiwan.
For the first time, a Chinese Z-10 assault helicopter apparently entered Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) and passed the so-called "median line," an unofficial barrier that runs along the middle of the Taiwan Strait, the War Zone reported on Tuesday.
According to the report, the assault helicopter, which is used by both the People's Liberation Army Ground Force and the Air Force Airborne Corps, is the latest Chinese aircraft to appear in the area.
The incident allegedly highlighted the growing significance of rotary forces in the Taiwan Strait, including a big Chinese helicopter station strategically positioned to support future operations in the Strait or even a possible annexation of Taiwan.
According to Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense, cited in the report, the Z-10 entered the ADIZ earlier on Tuesday. A pair of Chinese Naval Air Force Ka-28 Helix anti-submarine warfare helicopters were also seen flying in the southwest area of the ADIZ during the day, after taking off from one or more Chinese vessels.
It is, however, unknown if the WZ-10's sorties were coordinated in any manner with the Ka-28s that have previously been in the vicinity.
The incident aroused the interest of experts in the region, mainly because Chinese planes are known to fly close to the median line and into Taiwan's ADIZ's southern section. But it is worth mentioning that Taiwan's official ADIZ encompasses not only the entire Strait but also parts of mainland China.
According to the report, while it is not totally clear where the helicopter was operating from, the flight route allegedly suggested that it was flying out of the main military heliport in Zhangpu County, Fujian Province. The facility in question was still under construction as of last year, but experts predict it will be one of the largest helicopter bases in the area.
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The heliport, which is supposedly less than a couple of kilometers from the water's edge, began construction in 2019 and has reportedly undergone significant growth. It is located about 240 km from Taiwan and provides a commanding position for potential military operations directed against various Taiwanese-controlled islands in the Strait, including Kinmen County and Penghu County, as well as the Dongsha Islands, which occupy a significant position at the northern end of the South China Sea.
Adding to the peculiarity of the incident is the fact that the Z-10 is an up-to-date modern attack chopper, which uses the classic tandem two-seat crew layout common on Western rotorcraft of this sort as an advanced attack helicopter.
The Z-10 was introduced to Army Aviation in 2010 and is reportedly equipped with eight KD-9 or KD-10 anti-tank guided missiles, as well as a 23mm chain gun and rocket pods. PL-90 air-to-air missiles and extra fuel tanks to improve range are also options. Forward-looking infrared and TV sensors, a laser rangefinder and designator, and a full self-defense suite are all housed in the helicopter's nose.
Workers are seen preparing the CAIC Z-10, a Chinese medium attack helicopter of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), a day before the 13th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai in southern China's Guangdong province on September 27, 2021.
The Taiwan Strait remains a crucial source of tension, with US officials publicly discussing the alleged threat presented by China's strategic objectives in the larger Asia Pacific area.
The US military and intelligence officials have told lawmakers on several occasions that the risk of China deciding to launch a military operation to retake Taiwan remains extremely high in the coming years, but as top intelligence officials told Congress on Tuesday, Beijing is allegedly learning from Russia's current special military operation in Ukraine.
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With Taiwan officially designated as a rogue province by China, plans to reclaim sovereignty over the island are widely known.
China has recently increased its marine and air actions in the Taiwan Strait, while Taiwan has worked to strengthen its defenses, particularly in preparation for a purported amphibious attack. The US military has also increased its presence in and around the Strait, causing condemnation from Beijing.