The Backstory

President Biden Blames Republicans for Inflation

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events including Elon Musk saying he will bring back Donald Trump, and Japan sanctioning Russia.
Dmitry Babich - Journalist, Specialty in Russian Politics | Western Imperialism, Abortion During the Soviet Union, and Ultra Liberal Tolatarinism
Tyler Nixon - Attorney, Media Relations Specialist | Joe Biden Caught in A Lie, Crony Capitalism, and Joe Biden Still Living in the 1980s
In the first hour, Lee and Jason Goodman spoke with Dmitry Babich about the lies about President Putin, the Soviet Union, and liberal totalitarianism. Dmitry described the history of the Soviet Union and the current liberal totalitarianism in the United States. Dmitry discussed the current daily life in Moscow and empty shelves in America.
In the second hour, Lee and Jason Goodman spoke with Tyler Nixon about the Tony Bobulinski interview, Hunter Biden seen as the "bag man", and Biden's history in politics. Tyler talked about the Tony Bobulinski meeting with Joe Biden and the media failures to investigate the Hunter Biden laptop. Tyler spoke about the history of the U.S. intelligence agencies and the disinformation coming from the Biden administration.
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