One in Five Americans Believe Friday the 13th to Be Sign of Bad Luck, Poll Shows

In Western folklore, Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day. It occurs when the Gregorian calendar's 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, which happens at least once a year but may happen up to three times a year. Good news for some: in 2022, today is the only Friday the 13th.
Approximately one out of every five Americans believes the day brings bad luck, according to a recent YouGov poll, which asked US residents if they believed in superstitions such as walking under a ladder, opening an umbrella indoors, and those regarding black cats.
According to the results, in general, people were more prone to believe in superstitions associated with good fortune than those associated with bad luck.
Around 19% of Americans polled believe Friday the 13th brings bad luck, while 15% are unsure. The ominous-sounding date is not a predictor of one's fortunes, according to nearly two-thirds of individuals polled (66%).
According to the survey, more Americans believe that walking beneath a ladder, shattered mirrors and the number 666 are bad luck than any other superstition, including the 13th floor, stepping on a crack, not holding your breath while in a tunnel, and even owls.
Furthermore, the poll discovered that 13% of Americans always or frequently carry or wear a lucky charm. Another 19% said they do it occasionally or infrequently, while 64% claimed they never do it.
YouGov poll results
Making a wish while blowing out birthday candles or seeing a shooting star are the two good luck situations that Americans are most likely to believe in, with each receiving 28% of the vote.
Notably, Catholics are the most likely to claim they are superstitious, followed by people aged 30-44, individuals with a family income of more than $100,000, people who live in cities, and people who live in the Northeast of the country, according to the poll.
Atheists and agnostics are the least likely groups to identify as superstitious, according to the company, which polled 1,000 adults online from April 26 to 30.
It's worth noting that any month that begins on a Sunday has a Friday the 13th, so one who is forewarned is surely forearmed in opposition to otherworldly forces.
And for those interested, it's Friday the 17th which is considered a bad luck day in Italian popular culture. At the same time, 13 is widely regarded as a lucky number in Italy. Due to Americanization, however, young people now regard Friday the 13th as unlucky as well.