Thatcher Statue Egged Within Hours of Being Installed in Her Hometown - Video

A fellow Grantham resident did not appreciate the idea of commemorating the "Iron Lady's" role in UK history.
A statue of Britain’s former Prime Minister, late Margaret Thatcher, has been egged within hours of being installed in her hometown of Grantham in Lincolnshire country.
A local resident, who seemingly was not a fan of Thatcher's tenure as the prime minister, was caught on video throwing eggs at the statute and shouting "tear it down". The fact that he was booed by some people driving by did not deter him, according to a report by The Guardian.
Opposition to the statue emerged around the same time as the announcement that it was to be installed in Grantham, instead of Parliament Square in Westminster as had been initially planned. After UK authorities decided to move the statue to avoid "motivated far-left movement", a Facebook group assembled in 2020 plotted an "egg-throwing contest" at the ex-prime minister’s monument. Thatcher served as prime minster from 1979 to 1990 and was the country’s first female to hold the post. She passed away at 87 in 2013.
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The leader of South Kesteven Council, which was responsible for the statue's instalment, argued that it was appropriate that Thatcher, who had earned the nickname Iron Lady in her time at 10 Downing Street, be "commemorated by her home town".
"This is about inspiring, educating and informing people about someone who represents a significant part of Grantham’s heritage", Councillor Kelham Cooke said.
Responding to the "egging threats", the council opted to install a CCTV camera next to the statue. It is unclear at the moment if the egger has been identified and if he will be charged.
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