The Backstory

Biden Still Defends His "Ukraine First" Policy

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events including President Biden predicting a second pandemic in America, and Lithuania expanding its Kaliningrad blockade.
Jeff Halper - Author, Activist, Anthropologist, and Professor | Apartheid in the West Bank, Israel Attacks Damascus, and How Voting Works in Israel
Scottie Nell Hughes - Journalist, Former RT News Anchor, and Political Commentator | Weak Americans, The Vocal Minority, and Biden's Tax Holiday
In the first hour, Lee spoke with Jeff Halper about the Israeli government, bills to ban Benjamin Netanyahu from office, and Israeli aggression toward Iran. Jeff talked about the recent attack on the Damascus airport and Israel's nuclear weapons. Jeff spoke about Joe Biden's planned trip to Saudi Arabia and Joe Biden wanting to be seen as pro-Israel.
In the second hour, Lee spoke with Scottie Nell Hughes about the future generations, SCOUT's decision on Roe V Wade, and microaggressions. Scottie discussed the future generations of Americans and how Generation X has failed their children. Scottie discussed the old guard of the Republican party and the younger RINOs winning elections in 2022.
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