Ex-Australian PM Slams 'Third-Ranked' Pelosi Over Taiwan Visit, Warns of ‘Catastrophic’ Outcome

Nancy Pelosi’s reported visit to Taiwan next month would be the highest delegation-level trip from the US to the self-governed island in 25 years. As part of the One China Policy, Beijing opposes all forms of official contacts between Taiwan and foreign governments and has warned of "resolute measures” should Pelosi visit.
Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating has slammed US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi for reportedly planning to lead an American delegation to Taiwan next month, warning the trip could result in a “catastrophic” outcome for security in the region and globally.
A statement released by Keating, formerly the leader of Australia’s ruling Labor Party, labeled Pelosi the “third-ranked” figure in American politics and said that she wanted to go ahead with the visit despite the advice of Biden administration officials, according to Australian media.

“It is hard to imagine a more reckless and provocative act,” he said.

“Across the political spectrum, no observer of the cross-straits relationship between China and Taiwan doubts that such a visit by the Speaker of the American Congress may degenerate into military hostilities,” Keating further remarked.
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Australia's former leader recalled that Washington and its regional partners such as Canberra had taken the “only realistic option available on cross-straits relations” over the years, which was for both Beijing and Taipei to “manage the situation” via peaceful means.
A visit by Pelosi would threaten to trash everything that has gone before,” the statement read.
While Pelosi has yet to officially confirm the visit, which was first reported by the Financial Times, she remarked last week that “it’s important for us to show support for Taiwan."
Keating’s stern criticism of Pelosi’s reported trip comes days after US President Joe Biden also expressed concerns: “Well, I think that the military thinks it’s not a good idea right now," he told reporters last week.
The Chinese foreign ministry has on several occasions over the last week said said that Pelosi’s trip, if undertaken at all, would have “a severe negative impact on the political foundation of China-US relations, and send a gravely wrong signal to Taiwan independence separatist forces.”
Beijing last week also reiterated its rejection of the Taiwan Relations Act, which Washington says guides its ‘One China Policy’, besides the Three Joint Communiques and the Six Assurances.

“The so-called 'Taiwan Relations Act' is a domestic legislation unilaterally adopted by the US… China has never recognized the Act and has always rejected it,” foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said last week.
