Ghislaine Maxwell will be earning as little as 15 to 27 cents for cleaning toilets and washing dishes in her new prison, and she might potentially be targeted by other inmates unless she stops complaining about her life, The Daily Mail reported, citing prison consultants.
According to the consultants, Maxwell will be assigned the duty of cleaning toilets and doing the dishes before receiving a long-term job such as managing payroll or reading water meters.
Recently, Jeffrey Epstein's ex-girlfriend was transferred to FCI Tallahassee from the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. The consultants told the Daily Mail that the transfer was a "big step".
They pledged that the Tallahassee prison is going to feel like "Disneyland" compared to the Brooklyn detention center where Maxwell used to complain about being served food with maggots.
"She certainly did not get one of the worst places. It's probably the best she could have got under the circumstances," Holli Coulman , co-founder of Pink Lady Prison Consultants, told The Mail.
However, Maxwell will still count murderers and women who have committed serious assault among her neighbors, who might target her unless she behaves humbly and stops complaining about her life - something she would frequently do during her time in the MDC.
A former girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years behind bars for several sex trafficking counts. She is expected to be released from prison in 2037. The socialite has been vehemently denying any wrongdoing and has appealed the conviction.
Her ex-boyfriend Epstein committed suicide in his prison cell back in 2019.