
Millions of Brits Skip Meals to Save Money Amid Cost-of-Living Crisis - Poll

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Millions of Brits have cut back on eating since global food shortages and rising energy costs caused food prices to soar in the United Kingdom at their fastest rate in four decades, a survey out Tuesday showed.
A YouGov poll commissioned by Times Radio found that 16% of respondents were regularly skipping meals to save money, while four in ten put food they usually bought back on the shelf for financial reasons.
About 50% of people sampled on August 8-9 said they had to cut back on dining in cafes and restaurants in an effort to balance their budget as the cost of living continues to rise across the country.
The Times daily said that food prices were second to transport as the main driver behind the rising inflation, which hit a 40-year high of 9.4% in June. Some families have reportedly complained they could no longer afford their weekly shopping.