Political Misfits

Chinese President Xi Jinping to Saudi Arabia, Federal Prison Chaos and US Priorities in Afghanistan

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Cynthia Chung, is President and Cofounder of the Rising Tide Foundation and is a writer for Strategic Culture Foundation joins the show to talk about Xi Jinping's trip to Saudi Arabia. The Misfits and Chung discuss how China’s aim is to show that it’s actually a better and more reliable partner for the Middle East than the US. And, Saudi Arabia’s aim is to show that there are ready and willing alternatives to the US for things like investment and arms sales.
Paul Wright, Managing editor Prison Legal News and Executive Director of the Human Rights Defense Center joins the show to talk about the chaos that remains at state and federal prisons despite promises of reform at the start of the Biden Administration. In Georgia over the past 18 months, an astounding 195 prison guards have been arrested for job-related crimes, including smuggling drugs and cell phones into facilities, having sex with prisoners, beating handcuffed prisoners, and gang-related activities. And, a prison warden in Nevada was forced to resign this summer after a local television station learned that he had covered up news of a riot in the prison two months earlier. In the meantime, the Director of the Bureau of Prisons recently resigned.
Jim Kavanagh, editor of The Polemicist joins the show to talk about the legal dramas of Donald Trump - both financial and perhaps treasonous, if the latest scandal turns out to have teeth. Then the Misfits and Kavanagh discuss the risk from fighting over and around the Zaporizhia nuclear plant. Then they talk more about the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Rae Valencia, Sputnik News analyst and producer for Political Misfits joins the show to talk about Tuesday’s primaries. The Misfits discuss the hypocrisy of the Cheney’s to illicit Democrats and Independents to vote for the Liz Cheney for Congress after years of claiming that voting for Democrats would put the nation at risk of terrorism.
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