
GOP 'Prepping to Impeach' Biden For 'High Crimes' After Retaking House Control in Mid-terms

Throughout the past year, a number of GOP lawmakers have accused President Joe Biden of "high crimes and misdemeanors", blaming him for the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, the migrant crisis plaguing the US southern border with Mexico, and other perceived policy failings.
Conservative US lawmakers are making clear that impeaching President Joe Biden is one of their priorities if, as is widely predicted, the GOP wins back a majority in the House of Representatives in the November mid-terms, The Hill reported.
Impeachment articles against the 46th POTUS have already been introduced in Congress by a number of rank-and-file conservatives. The Republican politicians accuse Biden’s carrying out of a plethora of issues as nothing short of “high crimes".

“I have consistently said President Biden should be impeached for intentionally opening our border and making Americans less safe. Congress has a duty to hold the President accountable for this and any other failures of his Constitutional responsibilities, so a new Republican majority must be prepared to aggressively conduct oversight on day one,” Rep Bob Good (R-Va) was cited as saying.

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‘As Soon As Possible’

Due to expire at the end of the year, three resolutions are related to Biden’s handling of the migrant surge at US' southern border; three target his mismanagement of the hasty withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in 2021; one denouncing the eviction moratorium – a federal policy that prohibited landlords from evicting their cash-strapped tenants during the coronavirus pandemic; and another linked to the dubious overseas business dealings of the president’s son, Hunter Biden.
The GOP has consistently blamed Biden for the spiraling migrant border crisis. Since taking office, the Democrat has done away with a number of restrictive measures against illegal migrants set in place by his predecessor President Donald Trump.
Poll: Half of Americans Say Afghanistan War Was a Mistake a Year After Withdrawal
Scathing criticism has been targeted at Biden over the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan, with the GOP vowing hearings on the issue if it wins the November congressional elections.
As for Hunter Biden and the contents of his "laptop from hell", abandoned at a repair store in Delaware, the House GOP is readying a 2023 inquiry into the "First Son". Hunter Biden has faced a federal investigation lasting years over potential taxes violations. However, the laptop hard drive shed light on shady foreign business affairs he conducted, suggesting he may have peddled access to his father, who at the time was vice-president.
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Some of the resolutions highlighting these issues are expected to be reintroduced, with Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene one of the most fervent supporters of Biden’s impeachment.

“She believes Joe Biden should have been impeached as soon as he was sworn in, so of course she wants it to happen as soon as possible,” Nick Dyer, a Greene spokesman, said in an email on 29 August. The Georgia Congresswoman is the lead sponsor of four of the impeachment resolutions.

Rep Mary Miller (R-IL) said Biden should be removed “for purposely ignoring our immigration laws,” adding:

“Biden and [vice-president, Kamala] Harris have failed their most basic duty… which is ensuring the safety of the American people through the security of our borders.”

And according to Rep Andy Biggs (R-AZ) it's “not just Biden” they are “coming for”.
The Republican has supported growing GOP calls to impeach the Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Attorney General Merrick Garland over the migrant crisis.

“Mayorkas and Garland have purposefully made our country less safe, politicized their departments, and violated the rule of law. In some instances, they have instructed their subordinates to disobey our laws. That is unacceptable,” Rep Andy Biggs (R-AZ) said in an email.

Biggs added that next January he expected the House to pursue his impeachment articles against Mayorkas as well as Congresswoman Taylor Greene’s impeachment articles that he co-sponsored against Attorney General Merrick Garland.
This comes as Republicans remain set to secure enough House of Representatives’ seats in the November mid-terms to secure a majority, according to a CBS News/YouGov survey released on 28 August.
Republicans are predicted to win 226 House seats in November, CBS News Battleground Tracker revealed. A majority of 218 is required to win control of the House. In the Senate, the final outcome might be quite close, according to numerous surveys.
Rep Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is the Republican leader in line to be Speaker.
Referring to the Democrats' two impeachments of former president Trump, the House GOP Leader McCarthy told Fox News in April that Republicans would not impeach Biden for “political purposes", but would not completely rule the move out.
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