Energy Crisis in Europe

Germans Slam Scholz’s Energy Address, Say Nation ‘on Path to Poverty’ Amid Price Hikes, Sanctions

The German Finance Ministry reported in August that energy prices had spiked by 105 percent year-on-year in 2022 thanks to shock hikes in natural gas and electricity rates. Earlier this month, the Munich-based Institute for Economic Research said it expects the country to slip “into a winter recession” due to the energy crisis.
Germans aren’t buying Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s promises on energy relief for low-income families and energy-intensive industries.
“The legislative machine has begun churning and will organize the necessary support very, very quickly,” Scholz said in a video address to the nation posted to his official Twitter account on Saturday. ‘Prices [for electricity, heat and gas] are too high and must go down,” he added.
Blaming Germany’s economic woes on “Putin’s war,” Scholz assured that Berlin has already taken steps to ensure the adequate supply of coal, oil, and gas, as well as electricity, in winter. “We’ll get through,” he promised, urging the country to “solve these tasks together.”

Scholz’s Twitter followers expressed skepticism, flooding the comments section under his post with “resign please” sentiments and asking why ordinary people should pay the price for his government's policies. “What do you mean ‘solve this together?' You got us into this sh*t in the first place,” one person complained. “And that’s why you stopped 10 percent of nuclear power output, smart plan!” another wrote.

“The issues you are listing are political decisions you have made. Not having the guts to stand up for these decisions, but presenting everything as a kind of natural event or something that has no alternative because ‘Putin is evil’ is hypocrisy,” one user argued. “If you don’t get gas and electricity price caps in place in the next few days, both businesses and individuals will be bankrupt by this time next year,” another warned. “The weak chancellor never dared to say ‘no’ to the United States and Ukraine in the face of the huge bills for the public!” another person complained. “With all due respect, Herr Chancellor…The shop is on fire now, not thanks to Putin, but your own politics,” someone quipped.
The thread degenerated into a debate about Ukraine, with some users urging Berlin to immediately deliver heavy tanks and armored personnel carriers to Kiev, while others asked fellow commenters to stop spreading “propaganda that will lead to the end of the whole of Europe.”
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Readers of Germany’s Welt newspaper also gave Scholz a piece of their minds.
"The same person who raised prices with his energy policy is now demanding lower prices? One is speechless from such statements!” one person wrote. “This government is only one year old, and we’re on a path to poverty. Whole concepts of life are crumbling into dust. For whom and for what?” another asked. “At first he raised prices through useless sanctions, and now he’s demanding that they be reduced,” a third quipped.
Berlin has been searching for alternative sources of energy after Western sanctions and restrictions on Russian oil, gas, coal and electricity left Germany and most of Europe facing severe shortages. The chancellor traveled to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates over the weekend in hopes of securing new oil and gas contracts. However, London-based pan-Arab newspaper Al-Arab reported Sunday that the absence of the topic of energy in the official summary of Scholz’s Saturday talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman may signify that there are no tangible results to report.
Energy Crisis in Europe
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Germany, ordinarily the economic and industrial powerhouse of Europe, has been hit particularly hard by the blowback from the West’s economic “hybrid war” with Russia, with the country’s aluminum, steel and zinc smelters forced to cut production or shut down, and other energy-intensive industries such as fertilizer makers and fresh and frozen food producers warning of food shortages unless urgent support measures were implemented immediately.
Welt reported Sunday that three of Germany’s 16 federal states want the country to be divided into energy pricing zones amid allegations by officials in northern states that the state government of Bavaria has been “sabotaging” the expansion of electricity grids and wind power and passing heightened energy costs onto other regions.
In an interview with Funke Mediengruppe on Friday, Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer urged the federal government to do everything it could to bring the security crisis in Ukraine to an end through negotiations and to restart economic cooperation with Russia as soon as possible.
Energy Crisis in Europe
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