"Our nuclear doctrine and the relevant documents concerning the possible use of nuclear weapons, they are very precise and do not allow any double interpretations. They clearly say that, outside the nuclear context, nuclear weapons can be used only if there is a threat to the very existence of the state. That is it. This is an absolutely clear criterion," the deputy minister said.
US Nuclear Bombs in Europe
"We cannot but notice plans to modernize nuclear weapons, those free-fall bombs that are in Europe. The US is modernizing them, increasing their accuracy and reducing the power of a nuclear charge, that is, they are turning these weapons into a ‘battlefield weapon,’ thereby reducing the nuclear threshold," Grushko said.
"The US is forcing its allies to purchase F-35 aircraft and is taking other measures to increase the ability of the alliance countries to overcome access blocking zones. This is also a reality that we must take into account both in the political sense and in our military planning," Grushko noted.