
Warsaw Will No Longer Make Concessions to European Commission, Polish President Says

WARSAW (Sputnik) - Poland will no longer make concessions to the European Commission, President Andrzej Duda said on Sunday.
In June, the European Commission approved the post-COVID recovery plan for Poland, allocating over 35 billion euros ($34.9 billion) for this purpose. The Polish plan (KPO) was approved with a delay despite the EU's continued claims that Warsaw wasn't complying with the European rule of law. However, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said later that the European Union would allocate the KPO funds to Poland only if the country implemented the reforms required by the bloc.
"I will no longer take any response steps to proposals from that side. As far as I know, we have met all the conditions to receive money under the KPO, our spending plan has been approved. We are waiting for the payment," Duda said in an interview with Polish media.
Duda said he believed that a group of "left-liberal" politicians in Brussels wanted to achieve a change of power in Poland.
President of European Commission: Brussels 'Will Not Allow' Poland to Put Bloc's Values 'at Risk'
In November of last year, the European Commission froze 100 million euros in EU funding for Poland due to Warsaw's refusal to comply with the decision of a EU court to terminate the activities of the Polish Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court. On July 15, Warsaw adopted amendments to the law 'On the Supreme Court' and terminated the work of the disciplinary chamber.