By Any Means Necessary

Western Corporate Media Oversells China’s Lockdown Protests

China Protests Overblown By Western Media, Haiti’s Crisis Is One of Imperialism, Congressional Black Caucus Is Unconscious
In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Marco Fernandes, Researcher at Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, co-editor of News on China for DongSheng News, and organizer of No Cold War campaign to discuss recent reported protests in China allegedly against China’s zero COVID policy and how they have been overblown by the western media, the reality of these protests and what protest and dissent looks like in China, and how the narrative woven by the corporate media about these protests is part of the broader campaign to demonize China as part of the new cold war effort.
In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dr. Tamanisha John, professor at Clark Atlanta University and Caribbean regional analyst to discuss the crisis of imperialism in Haiti and the Caribbean and why Haiti is often the target of imperialist attention, Haiti’s place as a manufacturing hub in the region and how Haitian workers are exploited to provide cheap goods to the US and Canada, and how this super-exploitation contributes to the current economic and political crisis in Haiti as the US and the west threaten another intervention.
In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dr. Wilmer Leon, co-host of The Critical hour, which you can hear from 6 to 8 PM EST on Radio Sputnik to discuss the Congressional Black Caucus’ place as the “Conscience of Congress” in light of recent actions of the caucus that have betrayed its legacy, where the CBC may have lost its way and become another organ of the imperialist and capitalist system, and how the CBC’s capitulation to imperialism has let down Black people in the US.
Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Netfa Freeman, Coordinating Committee member with the Black Alliance for Peace, organizer with Pan-African Community Action, and host of Voices with Vision on WPFW 89.3 FM to discuss the dangerous situation of Haitians in the Dominican Republic following a decree which ordered mass deportations of Haitians in the country, the upcoming US African Leadership Summit hosted by the Biden administration and what the US might be looking for in this summit, and why the Racial Equity Action Plan recently released by the office of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser amounts to little more than a public relations document.
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