
Swedes Will Soon Be a Minority in Their Own Country, Politician Warns

Moderate Party politician Hanif Bali has warned that, rather than the melting pot everyone had been working to achieve, Sweden may turn into a “divided multi-ethnic society” where a large part of the population has been “deprived of both language and culture, resettled and dumped in ghettoized neighborhoods with a catastrophic social situation”.
Swedes are becoming a minority in their own country, Swedish Moderate Party politician and former board member Hanif Bali has warned, foreseeing the dire consequences of mass immigration.
In an opinion piece titled “Who will teach children Swedish when there are no more Swedes left?”, Bali sounded the alarm over how badly new arrivals are integrated.
In his article, Bali called ethnic Swedes “majority Swedes” and warned that the group was on its way to losing its status.

“The so-called majority Swedes are becoming a minority... in some parts of the country it has already happened. In Malmo, only 32 percent of primary school students have two Swedish-born parents, in Gothenburg and Stockholm the figure is 46 and 50 percent respectively — and these figures are shrinking every year,” Hanif Bali wrote.

He also argued that statistics may be deceptive, as “the segregated second-generation” are having children too.
“Statistics Sweden considers these children to have a Swedish background because their parents were born here. But that is no guarantee that they are fluent in the language, norms and culture of Sweden,” Bali wrote.
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He warned how the “lack of Swedish children” can have “catastrophic consequences” as immigrant children don’t learn the language properly. He stressed that some pre-school staff are unable to communicate with each other in Swedish, let alone “socialize immigrant children into the Swedish language” and stressed that educators are already sounding the alarm about children becoming “non-lingual”, that is unable to communicate adequately in either Swedish or their home language.

“If we continue on this path, Sweden won’t be the melting pot that was promised: it will be a divided multi-ethnic society where a large part of the population has been deprived of both language and culture, resettled and dumped in ghettoized neighborhoods with a catastrophic social situation. Take a look at the other side of the Atlantic if you're wondering what it does to people,” Bali opined.

Bali, the son of Iranian parents, was raised in Sweden in various foster families. He subsequently made an illustrious career as the rising star of the liberal-conservative Moderate Party, becoming its youngest and highest-placed newcomer in parliament. He served as an MP in Stockholm County for 12 years before becoming active in municipal politics. He is known for being outspoken on Twitter, doesn’t mince his words and is not shy of controversy.
Swedish Fertility Drops to Record Low in Decades
Saddled with a plummeting birthrate and an ageing population, Sweden has in recent decades resorted to mass immigration to fix the cracks in the labor market and the gap in the pensions funds. Every fourth resident in the country has a foreign background and every third has at least one parent born abroad. The share of Swedes having a foreign background is rising constantly, because immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa tend to have a higher fertility rate than ethnic Swedes.