
Never Enough? Hunter Biden Reportedly Threatened to Hold Pay to Staffer Unless She Provided Sex

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Hunter Biden threatened to withhold pay to one of his former staffers at his law firm Owasco unless she provided sexual services, a British tabloid reported on Tuesday, citing documents.
The report presents text messages exchanged between Biden and his former 29-year-old assistant at the time of the incident between 2018 and 2019 in which Biden asks for video sex sessions and sent her several payments via Apple Pay.
Biden also filmed video of him having sex with a part-time model and fitness instructor, the report said.
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The publication also obtained suspicious activity reports filed by JP Morgan Chase Bank which show that Biden provided his former assistant $44,500.08 in the span of four months in 2018.
In 2019, the assistant complained to Biden's secretary that she had not received her pay for December totaling $837.06 and was unable to reach Biden to sort out the issue, the report said.
In addition, the assistant had complained to Biden that she was barely getting by financially and was unable to pay her rent, the report added.
The former staffer is the fourth employee that Biden is known to have had a sexual relationship with, according to the report.