
Tehran Cautions US Against Launching Attack on Iran After Blinken’s Threat

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Iranian Foreign Ministry has warned the United States against infringing on Iran’s territorial integrity after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken threatened the Islamic Republic over its nuclear ambition.
"The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman underscored that the US government too well knows that Iran will not tolerate any aggression against its territory and interests and will respond to aggressors decisively and in a manner that would make them regret their action," the ministry said in a statement on Monday.
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Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani dismissed Blinken’s claim that the US supported the Iranian people protesting across Iran as hypocrisy and warned Washington and its European allies that they would not gain anything from their continued lies about Iran’s internal affairs.
Blinken told a news channel in an interview over the weekend that all options were on the table to prevent Iran from building an atomic bomb, should the talks on rescuing the 2015 nuclear deal fail. Tehran has repeatedly insisted that its nuclear program is of a purely peaceful nature.