
EU's New Sanctions Against Russia May Target 4 Banks, 130 Individuals, Entities, Reports Say

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The European Union's new package of sanctions against Russia may target four more banks, as well as 130 individuals and entities, media reported on Monday, citing officials and diplomats.
New financial sanctions are expected to be against four Russian banks, including Russia’s largest private bank, Alfa bank, the news outlet said.
The list of entities and people will include Russian military leaders, officials appointed by Moscow in the new Russian regions, journalists working for Russian state media such as RT, as well as companies and individuals in other countries with links to the special operation, namely in Mali and Iran.
The new package may also include a ban on the import of rubber and bitumen from Russia to the EU, as well as the export of a number of goods to Russia, including trucks and heavy vehicles used in construction, media added.
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Additionally, Brussels intends to sanction a Dubai-based shipping company, suspected of helping Russia circumvent sanctions on oil exports.
The European Union can also ban Russians from entering the boards of directors of EU companies associated with critical infrastructure, including those supplying electricity and gas.
EU ambassadors are expected to discuss the new package of sanctions on Wednesday.