
Piece of Banksy's Artwork Returned to Original Position After Being Removed 'For Safety Reasons'

On Valentine's Day, British graffiti artist Banksy unveiled a new mural drawing attention to domestic violence.
Titled Valentine’s Day Mascara, the graffiti was placed on the wall of a house in the town of Margate, in south-east England. It depicts a woman wearing an apron and washing-up gloves, with a bruised face and a knocked-out tooth. Next to the woman's image is a freezer with the feet of a man's boots sticking out.
On Tuesday, local authorities removed the freezer from the site. The next day, Margate's Thanet district council said it was "necessary" to carry out work on the freezer for “safety reasons” and on the same day the freezer was returned to its original place.

“The freezer, which council operatives removed from the Banksy installation in Margate, has now been made safe. It has been returned to its original position at the site of the artwork today,” a spokesman for Thanet district council said, as quoted by UK media.

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Banksy has created graffiti for Valentine's Day before, including one that appeared three years ago in Bristol - an image of a girl shooting flowers from a slingshot on the wall of an apartment building.
Banksy is one of the most famous street artists in the world. He is said to be 49-year-old native of Bristol Robin Gunningham but his true identity is as yet unconfirmed.