
Macron Ready to Discuss Constitutional Changes on Corsica's Status: Report

PARIS (Sputnik) - French President Emmanuel Macron has announced his readiness to discuss constitutional amendments that would grant autonomy to the Mediterranean island of Corsica, French news agency reported on Friday.
Macron reportedly told members of parliament that he had neither red lines nor a predetermined decision on Corsica when it comes to the draft constitutional reform, which he hopes to carry out after the summer and put up for debates in 2023-2024.
While negotiators are welcome to make suggestions of the future reform, the option of Corsica's secession from France is off the table, according to the report.
The fourth largest island in the Mediterranean, Corsica has changed its status many times over its long history. It enjoyed yet another brief period of sovereignty between 1755 and 1768, when it became part of France. For many years, the island has been trying to achieve autonomy. Among the top priorities for the Corsican leaders were obtaining legislative powers in the economic and social fields and the recognition of the Corsican language as official.
In February 2022, Macron spoke out against granting Corsica a special status, changing its taxation system or recognizing its language as official.