
Venezuelan Vice President Says Maduro’s COVID-19 Test Result Was False Positive

BUENOS AIRES (Sputnik) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has received a false positive coronavirus test result, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said.
"Yesterday, President Nicolas Maduro was informed by his doctors of a positive PCR Covid result. This led to the suspension of his participation in the Ibero-American Summit. Today, 2 tests were performed with negative results. Everything indicates that it was a false positive," Rodriguez said on Twitter on Saturday.
The Ibero-American Summit is currently underway in the Dominican Republic, providing a platform for discussion for leaders from Latin America, Spain and Portugal.
Maduro was initially scheduled to speak at the summit on Saturday, March 25. Since the president cancelled his attendance due to COVID-19 concerns, Foreign Minister Yvan Gil is attending the Saturday and Sunday summit events instead.