
Over 500 Iraqis Suffer From Breathing Difficulties Due to Dust Storm

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Iraqi medical facilities all over the country have admitted over 500 patients with breathing problems due to a dust storm, a health ministry spokesperson said on Saturday.
"More than 515 patients were admitted to hospitals in Baghdad and the provinces with breathing problems of varying severity due to the dust storm that occurred yesterday [Friday] in the regions of the country," Saif al-Badr told local news broadcaster, adding that the patients received all necessary medical assistance and most of them had already been discharged.
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Al-Badr emphasized that no fatal cases were reported and ambulances were constantly on standby to assist those in need.
Sand and dust storms have been a regular occurrence in Iraq, causing serious health damage to the population. After one of the most powerful storms in May 2022, over 5,000 people reported symptoms, which included choking, and one patient died.