Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

US Congressman: Ukrainian Spring Offensive to Show Whether Crimea Off Table for Kiev

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Crimea is not off the table for Ukraine and the upcoming spring counteroffensive will show what decisions have been made by Kiev in this regard, Rep. Mikie Sherrill said on Friday.
"As far as Crimea, certainly this is territory that Russia took back from Ukraine, and that is something that the Ukrainians regard… as their sovereign territory and they are making the decisions as to where they are going to move forward. I don't think Crimea is off the table," Sherrill said during an event hosted by The Washington Post.
To date, the Ukrainians have been more focused on other areas, but we will see in the spring offensive, what the decisions are, Sherrill said.
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Russia Slams US ‘Psychological Warfare’ After Lawmaker Demands Missiles for Kiev to ‘Strike Crimea’
Various senior US officials have repeatedly said that Crimea is Ukrainian territory, despite the fact that the Crimean residents held a referendum in 2014 and overwhelmingly voted to rejoin Russia.
In February, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said the United States supports Ukrainian strikes on military targets in Crimea. However, Secretary of State Antony Blinken had said prior Nuland issuing her statement that the Biden administration is not actively encouraging Ukraine to retake Crimea.