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Can AI Compete With Humans and What Are Chatbot Threats? An Interview With ChatGPT

Geoffrey Hinton – the US computer scientist often called the "AI Godfather" – left his position in tech giant Google to warn society about the threat AI poses to humanity. Sputnik decided to interview ChatGPT neural network about the potential dangers of AI. This is how it answered.
Chatbots have taken over customer service interactions with ease, from providing pleasure responses to problem solving inquires as fast as possible.
Over the years, the advancement of chatbots has got stronger as the usage rate increases. However, the threats associated with AI could prove detrimental if not addressed and tackled before it’s too late. This article will provide an overview of the risks associated with chatbots, focusing on the threats posed by ChatGPT.

How do chatbots operate?

Chatbots operate on programmed algorithms with an aim to automate interactions based on certain input, mainly text based. Chatbots are designed to provide speedy, efficient and uninterrupted service and this is what makes them popular. However, with the emergence of hybrid AI Chatbots like ChatGPT, the risks tied with such technology are worse.

What threats does ChatGPT pose?

While it seems ChatGPT, an AI language model, has been created with the aim of enhancing interactions with humans through natural language processing, the potential risks of such an innovation go beyond facilitating a chat. As a hybrid AI system, ChatGPT utilizes deep learning neural networks to generate output based on human input. Given that its system is the basis for a range of AI applications, it is not far fetched to envisage ChatGPT falling into the wrong hands.
Beyond Politics
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What are the real risks?

The real risks of ChatGPT and chatbots, in general, are many but can be broadly classified into the following categories:
1. Privacy and Security: Given its learning potential, ChatGPT poses a significant security risk. If an attacker were to get hold of such technology, they would not only be able to make autonomous decisions but also replicate it. It's potentially disastrous in situations such as espionage and criminal activities.
2. Bias and Discrimination: Despite being creations of humans, chatbots and AI can exhibit the same biases as humans. If unchecked, AI can lead to discrimination against specific characteristics such as age, gender, race, or religion.
3. Job Displacement: While ChatGPTs are designed to reduce operation costs, its adverse effects on human workers should equally be considered. AI will undeniably replace many jobs, and so it's necessary to weigh the benefits against the potential harm.
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Can AI compete with humans?

It's no longer in doubt that AI is altering how things are done in various industries. Still, it is not a perfect system and has several limitations. For instance, it requires human input and interpretation to function effectively. However, as AI technology becomes more advanced, it could theoretically replace humans in specific areas, such as data analysis and customer service, leaving many unemployed.

Why Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak suggest halting the advancement of AI?

Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak have expressed their fears of what AI could become and urge halting AI's development. Both believe that there needs to be proper supervision and control over the development of AI and a meeting between tech leaders and lawmakers to discuss the steps needed to control the technology.
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What are the potential solutions?

It's undeniable that AI and Chatbots hold untold possibilities, but as the rise of ChatGPT shows, these technologies need to be monitored, challenged, and controlled. Proper regulations and oversight in human involvement in AI development and deployment are necessary. Additionally, it would be crucial to consider implementing an AI safety certification framework to ensure AI implementation is ethical.
In conclusion, the advances in AI have shown the potential benefits the technology can bring to different industries. However, the rise of ChatGPT indicates there needs to be a more significant supervisory level in the development of such AI technologies. Proper regulation, oversight, and control measures must be put in place to ensure their safety, both for humans