Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Advanced German Howitzers Supplied to Ukraine Reportedly Hit by…Bad Weather

Germany, along with the other NATO allies of the US, ramped up their military aid to Kiev shortly after Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine.
The advanced German Panzerhaubitze (PzH 2000) self-propelled howitzers which were earlier delivered to Kiev, turned out to be much worse adapted to bad weather than the Soviet-made Pion artillery systems, used by Russian troops in the special operation zone, a US newspaper has reported.
The media outlet cited a Ukrainian serviceman from the Ukrainian army’s 43rd Separate Artillery Brigade as saying that a decision had been made “to pull all of the new Panzerhaubitze 2000s from the field, for fear that the 60-ton howitzers would be unable to escape should they come under fire.”
According to him, one such howitzer had to be towed when it became stuck in the mud at the brigade’s position in southeastern Ukraine. The serviceman added that troops “were busy scraping off a heavily caked layer of sludge from treads and armored plating.”
The US newspaper noted in this vein that even though the Pion self­­­-propelled artillery systems also occasionally get stuck, they “actually perform better in muddy conditions” because of their “metal, claw-like tracks”. In contrast, the Panzers have rubber treads that are better for flat, hard surfaces, the newspaper added.
Even more, the news outlet went on, this German howitzer is so delicate that its “sensitive electronics go haywire when exposed to moisture or dirt.” According to the newspaper, Ukrainian soldiers “have to put on special booties or slippers when they go inside to avoid tracking in mud, and each vehicle comes with its own vacuum cleaner.”
The report comes amid growing speculation about the zero hour of Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russian forces, with a number of Western news outlets arguing that Kiev is not yet ready for the move.
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The US and its allies, including Germany, boosted their weapon supplies to Kiev shortly after the beginning of the Russian special operation, something that Moscow warns will only add to prolongation of the Ukraine conflict.