Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

WATCH Russian Troops Discover Alleged Foreign Mercenaries' Bodies

Many of the foreign mercenaries who flocked to fight for Kiev have met an inglorious end on the battlefields of the Ukrainian conflict.
While Western governments appear rather tight-lipped when it comes to discussing their nationals fighting alongside Ukrainian militants and neo-Nazi gunmen employed by Zelensky, Western media outlets periodically run stories about this or that foreign “volunteer” getting killed while fighting Russian troops.
This short video, which surfaced online on July 10, allegedly depicts the aftermath of a clash between the Russian military and a group of foreign mercenaries - "adventurers", as the social media post's author described them - in the vicinity of the Lugovoye village in Zaporozhye Region of Russia.
“Yesterday, they tried to come here, but kinda did not make it,” a Russian soldier can be heard talking in the video as he inspects a helmet bearing a US flag patch.
“Why couldn’t he stay at home,” the Russian soldier wonders aloud, apparently referring to the slain owner of the helmet he holds.
Sputnik could not immediately confirm the identities of the pro-Kiev fighters killed in this clash.