
Rep. Adam Schiff Supports 14th Amendment Argument Over Trump's Eligibility

Legal experts and lawmakers are engaged in a heated debate over whether former President Donald Trump is barred from seeking elected office again. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has thrown his weight behind this argument.
In a recent interview, Schiff spoke about the ongoing debate surrounding former President Trump's eligibility to run for elected office again. He argued that the 14th Amendment's Section 3 disqualifies those involved in acts of insurrection or rebellion against the government and he says it doesn't hinge on a criminal conviction.
"The 14th Amendment, Section 3 is pretty clear. If you engage in acts of insurrection or rebellion... or you give aid and comfort to those who do, you are disqualified from running... It doesn’t require that you be convicted of insurrection. It just requires that you have engaged in these acts... It’s a disqualification from holding office again, and it fits Donald Trump to a T," Schiff stated.
Schiff's stance is grounded in his experience serving on the House select committee that investigated the January 6th events. He believes that this legal theory could soon be put to the test, potentially by a secretary of state refusing to put Trump on the ballot or by a litigant challenging Trump's eligibility. Schiff anticipates that such a case could ultimately reach the Supreme Court, leaving the final decision in the hands of the highest judicial authority.
The California representative also highlighted the support for this argument within legal circles, stating, "There are prominent constitutional scholars, as well as prominent progressive scholars who believe that he should be disqualified."
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