
US Getting ‘Toxic,’ Discredits Itself by Abusing Power As APEС Chair - Russian Envoy

SAN FRANCISCO (Sputnik) - The United States is turning into a toxic player, and discredits itself as a reliable international partner by abusing its power as a chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) , Russia’s senior official at APEC, Ambassador Marat Berdyev, told Sputnik.
Berdyev shared that throughout the year, Russia and other APEC members were faced with unlawful actions to limit participation of their delegations as well as with non-issuance of visas, and harassment of Russian representatives, including various delays and increased attention from border authorities at the airport.
"Americans, long unaccustomed to honest conversation on equal terms, naturally behave in their usual unbridled manner. Actually, they do not hide the fact that they put their internal national guidelines above international obligations and traditions of hospitality," Berdyev said.
"For obvious reasons, these abuses were given a hard time, including public rebuff. In the long term, this practice boomerangs on the Americans themselves, who discredit themselves as a responsible international partner and turn into a 'toxic' player."
Berdyev spoke on the sidelines of the APEC summit this year taking place in San Francisco. APEC is one of the premier trade and economic forums in the Asia-Pacific region.