
US Taxpayers Sent $60M to WEF

Last Friday, US House Republicans submitted a bill to stop paying American tax dollars to fund the notorious World Economic Forum.
What, what?! You haven't heard about it? Then read on, I'm sure you'll find this interesting...
Apparently, unbeknownst to most Americans, the US government has given away more than $60 million to the WEF between 2013 and 2022. And how much more between 2022 and 2024? Those figures are hard to come by, but judging by previous years, the average has been some $6 million a year, or more than five hundred thousand dollars a month.
Not a giant sum in these days of multi-billion dollar scams, but a half million here, a half million there, every month, for more than a decade, after a while, it adds up.
Especially when it's going from already hardstrapped, if not downright impoverished, US taxpayers to one of the most sinister, autocratic, and corrupt collections of ultra-rich parasites on the planet.

Yet, for some strange reason, only now, at the beginning of an election year, do Republican politicians who made no objections to this scam when it continued unabated under Trump, FINALLY start squawking about it.
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This grift has been going on for more than a decade, under both Republican and Democratic regimes. Both allowed it to happen in the first place, allowed it to continue, and made no objections for years.
There's a word for this - Hypocrisy. Don't applaud grand-standing Republicans for starting to talk about maybe stopping it now, hold them, and the Democrats, responsible for letting it start in the first place.