
Senator Cruz Says 'Kamikaze' Supplemental Bill is Train Wreck, No Chance of Passing House

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Senator Ted Cruz said on Wednesday that the Ukraine aid-border security supplemental bill is a train wreck and has no chance of passing the US House of Representatives.
The White House and Senate have been involved in weeks-long negotiations to reach a deal on President Joe Biden's national security supplemental request that includes more than $60 billion for Ukraine. Republican lawmakers want the supplemental bill to include meaningful policy changes that will end the crisis on the US southern border.
"This supplemental bill is a kamikaze plane in a box canyon, with no exit headed for a train wreck," Cruz said during a press conference. "The chances of this bill passing the house are 0.000%. It ain't gonna pass."
Senator Rick Scott also said at the press conference that the supplemental bill will be "dead on arrival" if it reaches the House of Representatives.
Cruz said the supplemental bill does nothing to secure the border and urged his Republican colleagues to reject support for the legislation until it includes measures that will secure the southern border.
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Moreover, Cruz and other Republican senators expressed concerns that they will not have enough time to review the draft text of the bill once a deal is finalized regardless of assurances from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Cruz also accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of having the same objectives as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in the supplemental negotiations, which is having a bill that gives Ukraine a "blank check" and "pretends" to have strong border security measures.