
The Soviet Crickets of Cuba

Over the weekend, Western media revived the long debunked conspiracy known as “Havana Syndrome” that Russian agents are using secret energy technology to affect the minds of US officials and agents.
Multiple intelligence agencies investigated the claims for years, all concluding that whatever was the cause of the symptoms in those who claimed to be affected by Havana Syndrome, it was “very unlikely” to be a foreign adversary.
In fact, two of the first US officials who claimed to be affected by it, blamed it on a strange sound they heard in Cuba. While in the country, they recorded the sound and had it analyzed, finding that it exactly matched the sound of a rare cricket native to the Caribbean when accounting for room echos.
Why's the Western Press Betting on Reviving Havana Syndrome Hoax?
But in their attempt to drive more Russophobia, the conspiracy theory has been revived again in Western Media. Maybe soon, someone will blame US President Joe Biden’s “bad memory” on the Russians.