Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russian Air Defense Downs 2 Tochka-U Missiles, 6 Drones Over Four Regions Overnight

Ukraine has targeted Russian civilian infrastructure almost daily since early June 2023 in the wake of obvious military setbacks.
Russian air defenses intercepted two Tochka-U missiles over the Belgorod region and downed six Ukrainian drones over the Bryansk, Lipetsk and Volgograd regions, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.
“During the past night, a number of attempts by the Kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks using aircraft-type UAVs and Tochka-U operational-tactical missiles (OTR) against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation were stopped,” the statement said.
Russian officials repeatedly stressed that Ukrainian attacks are acts of terrorism.
More than 300 apartments in 85 apartment buildings, four houses and 14 commercial buildings were damaged by the massive shelling of the city of Belgorod on Saturday evening, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov posted on social media.
Gladkov added that two women were in grave condition after the shelling and doctors were doing everything they could to save their lives.
The governor said that a drone attack on the village of Shebekino in the Belgorod Region on Sunday morning resulted in damage to the territory of two industrial facilities with no casualties reported.
A fire broke out at an oil refinery in Volgograd after a Ukrainian drone hit by Russian air defenses crashed in its territory on Sunday night. The fire was localized and extinguished as soon as possible and no casualties were reported, Volgograd Region Governor Andrey Bocharov was quoted by the regional administration as saying.