
Photos: Putin Visits China's Harbin

After arriving in China's capital Beijing on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the city of Harbin that holds particular cultural significance in the history of bilateral relations.
Following an eventful first day of his state visit, filled with top-level meeting and discussions, President Putin carried paid an official visit to Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province.
There, the Russian leader paid his respect to the Soviet soldiers who died in battles to liberate occupied parts of China's Manchuria region at the end of the Second World War.
Vladimir Putin also attended the 8th Russia-China EXPO that seeks to enhance trade and export flows between the countries.
Lastly, the Russian delegation visited the Harbin Institute of Technology, where Putin spoke with Chinese students and faculty members.
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Motorcade of the Russian President at the wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument to the Soviet soldiers who died in the battles for the liberation of China’s northeast from Japanese invaders.

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Putin attends the ceremony honoring the fallen Soviet soldiers who helped rid China of Japanese occupiers.

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Chinese Honor guard at the wreath-laying ceremony in Harbin.

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The Russian leader visits the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in Harbin.
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The venue of the 8th Russia-China EXPO prior to the opening ceremony.
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The opening ceremony of the 8th Russia-China EXPO.
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Vladimir Putin attends the 8th Russia-China EXPO in Harbin.
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President Putin explores the exhibition during his visit to the Harbin Institute of Technology.

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Putin is greeted by Chinese Vice President Han Zheng during the opening of the 8th Russia-China EXPO and the 4th Russia-China Forum on Interregional Cooperation.

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Russian president and Chinese VP tour the exhibition.

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Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a meeting with students and faculty of the Harbin Institute of Technology.

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Chinese students attend the meeting with the Russian president.
