
Houthis Expand Attacks on Israeli-Linked Ships Onto Mediterranean Sea

DOHA (Sputnik) - Yemen's rebel Ansar Allah movement, also known as the Houthis, has started operations against Israeli-linked vessels in the Mediterranean Sea by attacking a ship earlier this week, Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi said on Thursday.
"The number of vessels and ships attacked since last October, including those linked with the Israeli enemy, the US and the UK, has reached 119," al-Houthi said on Yemeni television.
This week, the Houthi forces conducted eight operations using 15 missiles and drones in the Red and Arabian Seas, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, including one attack in the Mediterranean Sea, the rebel leader said.
US Admits Houthis Can Hit Ships in Mediterranean as Militia Swats Down Another Reaper
Houthis vowed in November 2023 to attack any ships associated with Israel until it halts military actions in the Gaza Strip. The attacks prompted the United States to form a multinational coalition, which includes the United Kingdom among others, to protect shipping in the area of the Red Sea, as well as to strike Houthi targets on the ground.