
Russia to Take Security Measures If Japan Repeals Article 9 of Constitution - Diplomat

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia will take countermeasures if Japan repeals Article 9 of its constitution, which implies the prohibition of the maintenance of armed forces, Director of Second Asian Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Lyudmila Vorobyova told Sputnik.
"Such a decision is fraught with additional threats to Russia's security. In response, we will be forced to take countermeasures to strengthen the national defense capability," Vorobyova said.
Such actions by Tokyo could lead to an increase of tensions in the region, the diplomat added.
"Japan's deviation from the path of peaceful development declared by previous generations of politicians will inevitably provoke new security challenges, lead to increased tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, and stimulate a new stage of the arms race," Vorobyova added.
The final choice on the issue should be made by the Japanese people in a referendum, which has a long way to go, the diplomat concluded.
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