
Watch & Learn From The Best: Pentagon Announces Purchase of Books on Russian Military Strategy

The Pentagon has announced a tender for the purchase of books on Russian military strategy written by Western authors, according to the government's System for Award Management (SAM) website on Saturday.
The report says that the purchase will be made for training pilots at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, where the Air Force Historical Research Agency and Air University, a prestigious military school hosting the National Security Forum, are located.
The tender touches upon six books, including Strategiya: The Foundations of the Russian Art of Strategy by lecturer at King’s College London Ofer Fridman, Russian Grand Strategy in the Era of Global Power Competition by Andrew Monaghan, and Samuel Ramani's work on the Ukraine conflict.
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Books on China (The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China, translated by Ralph D. Sawyer), artificial intelligence (I, Warbot: The Dawn of Artificially Intelligent Conflict, by Kenneth Payne), and space strategy (Understanding Space Strategy: The Art of War in Space, by John J. Klein) are also included in the list, the website said.
The Pentagon plans to buy 600 copies for each book option. Tender fulfillment is scheduled for mid-June, the query added.