
Pentagon Anti-Vaccine Campaign Against Russia, China Revealed Threats to Cybersecurity

The Pentagon ran a secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during the pandemic and to discredit vaccines in several other countries, media reported on Friday.
The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) recorded a targeted and coordinated campaign against vaccination in Russia, including through various channels of disinformation, such as fake accounts, anonymous sources, and biased experts, the RDIF stated in response to a report that the Pentagon waged a secret campaign against a Chinese coronavirus vaccine to undermine China's position during the pandemic.

"These attempts were directly directed against the population of our country, as they included calls to refuse vaccination," the foundation said, adding that Denigration of Russia's Sputnik vaccine made it difficult to promote it on foreign markets, thus countries and their citizens in need had no access to it.

The Russian Direct Investment Fund calls for the creation of reliable mechanisms to counter information attacks by unfriendly states, including in the healthcare sector, the fund said.
According to the RDIF, information attacks on international markets included false claims by the UK Cyber Security Center that Russian-linked hackers had attempted to steal data from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada on the development of a coronavirus vaccine. In addition, the US Department of Health and Human Services openly wrote in a report about how it convinced Brazil not to use Russia's Sputnik-V vaccine.

"Since the beginning of the registration of the Sputnik V vaccine, we have observed a targeted campaign to undermine confidence in the achievements of Russian scientists, in total, we have recorded more than 300 information attacks on vaccines of the Sputnik family," Kirill Dmitriev, head of the RDIF, said.

Pentagon Waged Anti-Vax Disinfo Campaign Against China - Media
"Successful results of the Sputnik vaccine on foreign markets that demonstrated its safety and efficiency as one of the best vaccines, as well as the publication of these results and other studies in the world's leading scientific journals, played a key role in the RDIF successfully countering the information attacks on the Russian vaccine," Dmitriev added.
In addition, the RDIF has initiated more than 50 studies and scientific publications on the Sputnik vaccine family.

"The RDIF calls for the creation of reliable mechanisms to counter information attacks by unfriendly states, including in the field of healthcare," Dmitriev concluded.
