White House Confirms Biden to Meet With Dem. Governors Amid Reports About Their Concerns

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The White House has confirmed that US President Joe Biden will have a meeting with Democratic governors on Wednesday evening amid reports of concerns about the health of the US president, according to a daily guidance and press schedule of the president.
"In the evening, the President meets with Democratic Governors. This meeting in the Roosevelt Room will be closed press," Biden's schedule showed on Tuesday.
The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. local time (22:30 GMT) on Wednesday at the Roosevelt Room of the White House and will be closed to the press.
Politico reported on Tuesday, citing people familiar with the matter, that Democratic governors were seeking a meeting with Biden after over 20 of them held a call on Monday to discuss the president's poor debate performance and vent their fears and frustration. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, chair of the Democratic Governors Association, gathered Monday's call and is expected to attend the meeting with Biden, the report said.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing sources, that the entire White House staff will be gathered on Wednesday for a call by White House chief of staff Jeff Zients amid reports of Biden's health problems and calls to withdraw from the presidential race. The newspaper reported that the Biden campaign stepped up efforts to calm Democratic donors who have been expressing concerns after Biden's debate against ex-US President Donald Trump.
Forget About Your Donation, Joe Did
Last week, Biden debated Trump at a CNN-hosted event in Atlanta. Biden’s performance reportedly sparked talks among Democrats about replacing him as the presidential nominee.