
Russia to Start Serial Production of Hydrogen-Powered Aurus Senat Car by 2029

YEKATERINBURG, Russia (Sputnik) - Russia will begin serial production of a new hydrogen-powered Aurus Senat luxury car by 2029, Denis Yendachev, deputy CEO for information and intelligent systems at the NAMI automobile research institute, told Sputnik on Monday.
"The deadline set for the project to reach mass-market production is about five years. The first cars will appear earlier and then [their production] will be gradually ramped up," Yendachev said.
He estimated that it would take five years to create a network of hydrogen fuel stations in big cities and on federal highways. The goal is to keep the price cap on hydrogen-powered cars on par with gasoline- and diesel-powered ones.
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The refueling time of a hydrogen-powered Aurus will be under one minute, which will allow it to run for over 800 kilometers (497 miles), Yendachev said. The prototype is already being tested in extreme temperatures and in the mountainous terrain.