
Poland Does Not Plan to Bolster Border With Russia Like With Belarus

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Poland's authorities are not planning on strengthening the border with Russia's Kaliningrad Region by putting up the same fencing as was installed on the border with Belarus, Polish Interior Minister Tomasz Siemoniak said on Monday, adding that there was no threat of irregular migration from the Russian side.
"There are no signals about the threat of illegal migration from that [Russian] side," Siemoniak told local media.
Poland, however, is monitoring attentively this part of the border, the minister said, adding that barbed wire had been installed there.
Poland had previously built a fence with an electronic tracking system on its border with Belarus to curb migration flows.
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The issue goes back to mid-2021, when tens of thousands of undocumented migrants crowded on the border between Belarus and Poland from the Belarusian side in an attempt to enter the European Union. Several hundred migrants have since been trying to enter Poland every month. The Polish authorities tightened border controls, deployed troops, and accused Belarus of orchestrating the migrant crisis. Minsk rejected the accusation and accused Warsaw of abusing the migrant crisis narrative to aggressively push migrants into Belarusian territory.