“Saudis recently, two, three days ago announced two things: one, they're not going to be sending more oil to the US, and second they threatened to throw the European bonds on the markets if the US and Europe went ahead with confiscating the Russian assets,” the show’s guest said. He added that he sees this as a sign of how changes on the global stage is “paving a way for countries” to say to the US that they’ve “had it”.
“But it tells you right there how corrupted and dysfunctional [the US] system is to the point that [the US] has to pay for oil instead of using [its] own oil right here. And that was the first order of business that Biden did when he came to power. What was the first thing? To shut down the Keystone pipeline,” he added.
“Once again, can you just imagine, go back to the '70s. If [the US] had sat down with the Soviet Union and the Chinese, the three would be sitting on the same table and figuring out their differences and working out their differences and their interests and so forth. They would be in a different picture. That's what India is looking for. India is looking after its own interests and rightly so,” he said.
“The idea that to embark on something like this, it tells you right there what the establishment wants. They don't want peace and they're gonna have it if they keep pushing the Russians way, way, way more than what they are already doing because it's now become evident that [the US] cannot defeat the Russians."