Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russia Captures New Ukrainian Long-Range Drone

Russian troops regularly capture enemy equipment from tanks to drones in the special military operation zone. Studying the trophies helps Russian forces to combat the enemy's warfare effectively.
Russian specialists have managed to capture and examine a new Ukrainian kamikaze drone equipped with a jet engine and capable of gaining speed when approaching air defense and electronic warfare zones. Studying the trophy will help counter a new UAV, said Dmitry Kuzyakin, general director of the Center for Complex Unmanned Solutions.
"We have managed to study the Ukrainian kamikaze drone. This is the enemy's fundamentally new design - the UAV is equipped with a jet engine, making it more expensive at a reduced flight range. There are also advantages [that we will study to] get crucial data on countering the new threat," he said.
The drone is capable of accelerating rapidly as it approaches the range of air defense and electronic warfare systems, he noted.

"The development of a long-range jet drone shows the enemy has increased the cost and reduced the range of flight to be able to gain speed at the right moment," Kuzyakin explained.

He stressed that the results of the examination have already been delivered for further countermeasures.

"The enemy should not think that we are unaware of his next steps. The analysis of each of these 'birds' tells us much more about him than any agent or captured drone operator," he said.

He Who Laughs Last: Russian 'Joker' Drones May Double Up as Air Defenses
The Center for Complex Unmanned Solutions deals with the full cycle of FPV systems combat application issues, from training in piloting and effective use, to the production of the drones themselves. Over the years, the company has created a line of combat FPV-drones, Joker, and a set of ground equipment. The latest model Joker-10 carries a payload of up to 5 kilograms, developing a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour (up to 200 kilometers per hour without payload).