
Global Documentary Film Festival 'RT.Doc: Time of Our Heroes' to be Held in Dagestan

The RT channel, in collaboration with the government of the Republic of Dagestan, will host the Second International Documentary Film Festival "RT.Doc: Time of Our Heroes." The festival runs from September 4 to 6 at the Kumyk Theatre named after Alim Pasha Salavatov.
The event's program includes films about heroes of the special military operation: soldiers, medical professionals, volunteers, war correspondents and cultural figures. There will also be meetings with the authors and protagonists of the films, as well as discussions and round tables with experts and public opinion leaders.

"The festival is not just about film screenings," said Ekaterina Yakovleva, head of documentary broadcasting at RT and general producer of the festival. "After watching these films, people understand that they are truthful. They show what is really happening."

"The audience cannot be deceived, which is why there is such a demand for our films and interest in them," Yakovleva stressed.

The festival program will also include films about the events of August 7, 1999, when militants led by Shamil Basayev and Khattab attacked Dagestan that led to the start of the Second Chechen War. The films screenings about the heroism of the Dagestan people are dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the defeat of international terrorist groups.
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The first festival "RT.Doc: Time of Our Heroes" opened in Moscow in February 2023 marking the anniversary of the start of the special military operation. Since then, it has been held in seven Russian cities, including Krasnodar, Kazan, Saint Petersburg, Kursk, Irkutsk and Volgograd. The festival also took place in the Donbass, with screenings held on the front line in Russian armed forces units and hospitals.
Documentary films about the heroes of the special military operation were shown in 19 countries: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Belarus, Egypt, Zambia, Cyprus, China, Lebanon, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Peru, Tajikistan, South Ossetia, Turkiye, Sri Lanka, Italy and India.