
'They Took It Away': Trump Admits Democrats Snatched Presidency From Biden

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Thursday that the Democratic party took away the presidency from President Joe Biden and emphasized that the sitting US president had the right to run for reelection regardless of whether he had a chance to win or not.
"The presidency was taken away from Joe Biden, and I'm no Biden fan...they took the presidency away," Trump said during a press conference.
"People were saying he lost after the debate, he couldn't win. Well, I don't know that that's true, necessarily, but whether he could win or he couldn't win, he had the right to run. And they took it away."
Trump claimed that Biden is very angry at former US President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi right now after they reportedly forced him to step down from the presidential race.
Touching on recent remarks Biden made on the transfer of presidential powers, Trump told reporters that despite what his successor said there would in fact be a peaceful handover following the November results.
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"Of course there will be a peaceful transfer, and there was last time, and there will be a peaceful transfer. I just hope we're going to have honest elections," Trump said.
The event also saw the former president detail that he had agreed to a participate in three debates in September against political rival Kamala Harris, who he quipped was not as "smart" as 2016 presidential contender Hillary Clinton.
"So I've run against Hillary and I've run against various other people. I would say that in terms of intelligence, Hillary was far superior," Trump said during a press conference. "I would say that Hillary was smart. She was her own worst enemy in many ways, but she was smart, very smart."
The dates Trump outlined for the debates are September 4, 10, and 25. However, he noted that he's still waiting for confirmation that Harris will participate in these debates as well. Media reported that Harris is locked in for the September 10 debate.