
CIA's Hand in JFK Assassination Exposed in New Files

FILE - The seal of the Central Intelligence Agency at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. File photo.
The JFK files, recently declassified by Trump’s order, included a memo regarding Operation Mongoose – a CIA effort to topple the Cuban government and assassinate Fidel Castro, authorized by President John F. Kennedy in 1961.
The release of this document led some social media users to note the similarities between the CIA’s methods back then and the tactics the US employed in Ukraine during the Maidan coup in 2014.
The three-page operation progress report, dated May 31, 1962, mentions the methods CIA employed to harm Cuba, including:
Espionage, including attempts to recruit local assets and insertion of CIA teams into Cuba
Economic pressure. One of proposals was to bar vessels carrying cargo to Cuba from using bunkering facilities at US ports
Propaganda, aimed at spreading word of alleged “abuses of power” and claiming “failure of key programs such as medical and food”
Efforts to “fracture” the Cuban leadership by trying to make senior figures, such as Minister of National Economy Leon Boti, to defect
Disseminating leaflets claiming that Castro failed the people of Cuba
“Worrying” the Cuban government with broadcasts “which would appear to come from local dissident groups”
Recruiting teams for “possible use in beefing up resistance groups within Cuba”
Attempting to “increase Cuban economic problems” via counterfeit currency