According to Spain's Europa Press news agency, the incident occurred at 7:20 a.m. local time (05:20 GMT) near the breakwater of the town of Benzu, where the 8.2-kilometer (5.09-mile) border fence ends.
Five Civil Guard servicemen received minor injuries, but some of the migrants were more gravely injured.
Unas 150 personas migrantes entran en #Ceuta saltando la valla de concertinas que separa España de Marruecos. Su alegría es indescriptible. Vienen del infierno nada les da miedo, como dijo un joven migrante, al llegar a la ex #Italia del #fascista
— Manel Márquez (@manelmarquez) August 30, 2019
The Spanish enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta in northern Africa, which are separated from mainland Spain by the Strait of Gibraltar, are popular transit points for sub-Saharan African migrants aiming to get asylum in the European Union.
#Inmigración | Varios guardias civiles heridos tras el asalto a la valla de Ceuta de 150 inmigrantes ➡ Al menos cinco agentes de la Benemérita fueron trasladados al hospital para recibir atención médica. Más aquí
— La Razón (@larazon_es) August 30, 2019