The movie, based on the famous book "The Fault in our Stars", directed by Mukesh Chhabra, broke every ratings record in India. Out of the 26,624 users who rated the movie on IMDb, 92.8 percent gave "Dil Bechara" 10 stars – making it the highest-rated movie of all time on IMDb.
Since more and more users are tuning to the OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar to watch Sushant's charming smile one last time, the ratings of “Dil Bechara” have been fluctuating between 9.8 and 10.
#DilBechara, The First Indian Movie To Get 10/10 IMDb Ratings On Premiere.
— Kavin Fans Club🔊🔊 (@kavinarmy2) July 25, 2020
Global Record.
Missing His Presence #SushantSinghRajpoot.Whole World Celebrating Him But He Is No More To See This😔#DilBecharaDay
On the day of the release of the movie, the world’s most famous YouTuber PewDiePie, who has 106 million subscribers, posted a tribute to the young Bollywood actor, which has been flooded with reactions from people all over the world.
The Swedish YouTube sensation confessed that he did not know Sushant but noted that he has been hearing a lot about him lately. Sharing old speeches by the Bollywood actor and science-enthusiast, PewDiePie called him a “smart dude” and shared parallels he was able to draw between his own life and the life of the late star.
Bollywood fans from around the world took to social networking platforms to bid heartfelt goodbyes to the actor, who committed suicide by hanging himself at the age of 32 in his posh Bandra apartment in Mumbai for unknown reasons. The actor's colleagues, however, suggested that the reason could be linked to work-related depression.
#SushantSinghRajput and #DilBechara have been trending on the Twitter's top two spots in India.
— Ayush Shivam (@AyushShivam9) July 25, 2020
When Manny Said, I wanted to attend My own funeral 😢💔
This made me cry. This movie is a rollercoaster of emotions. We will miss you SUSHANT forever.❤️
He wil remain in our hearts of every Bollywood fan... forever and always. #DilBechara #SushantSinghRajput
— Priya Ganesh (@Priya62284250) July 25, 2020
— #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput (@positivedrive) July 25, 2020
41 days later you still rock our heart and mind ! #DilBechara was just a trailer of your talent
41 million people were in tears 😭 last night . Let INDIA 🇮🇳 RISE for justice. I am in . What about you ?
RT for your support.
Felt so heavy while watching him.. his energetic soul and that that smile.. Couldn’t stop my tears.. so many memories.. felt sooo real while seeing him in the reel..
— Rashami Desai (@TheRashamiDesai) July 24, 2020
Beautiful message and on that note #Seri my friend.. #LoveYou 💝#DilBechara #SushantSinghRajput
The movie is an Indian adaptation of author John Green's bestselling novel about two teens who fall in love after meeting at a cancer support group. The film shows Sushant romancing Bollywood newcomer Sanjana Sanghi.
The movie, shot in India and Paris, takes viewers on an emotional journey that ends with Sushant’s character Manny succumbing to cancer, leaving behind a film for his friends and fans to remember him by, mirroring the real-life fate of the Bollywood star. The movie therefore gives a chance to Suschant's fans to come to terms with their loss as well as the chance to bid a fond farewell to the star that India “lost too soon”.
Sushant’s suicide has jump-started a nationwide discussion on mental health awareness in India. The tragedy also highlighted the toxic nepotistic culture that Bollywood is infamous for, as established entertainers focus on promoting star kids more than outsiders who make their own way in the industry.