The celebrated British satirical show 'Spitting Image' known for its mimicking of politicians and celebrities using distorted puppets returns to screens on Saturday after a more than 20-year break, this time taking aim at modern pop figures such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.
The UK prime minister and US president as well as First Lady Melania, Prince Harry, and his wife Meghan Markle, Mark Zuckerberg, and Kim Kardashian, will become subject to the shows traditional comedic skewering in the form of latex effigies.
— Spitting Image (@SpittingImage) September 12, 2020
— Spitting Image (@SpittingImage) September 13, 2020
— Spitting Image (@SpittingImage) September 12, 2020
Number 10 chief advisor Dominic Cummins was also given the Spitting Image treatment, presenting him a an evil genius in a flared cape.
— Spitting Image (@SpittingImage) September 13, 2020
Home Secretary Priti Patel was made up as a vampire.
— Spitting Image (@SpittingImage) September 22, 2020
Over 100 grotesque puppet representations have been made for the sketch shows long-awaited return.
Netizens responded to the comeback joining in making fun of politicians satirised in the series.
— David Hughes (@DavidHughesTwit) October 3, 2020
— Gordon McIntosh 🇪🇺 #FBPE 🇪🇺 (@Gordy_Mc1ntosh) October 2, 2020
Others welcomes the show back saying that the missed it after its time off air.
— Bella Hobbs (@BellaHobbs7) October 3, 2020
— Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) October 3, 2020
Some were frustrated with the shows return on Britbox, as opposed to the popular ITV slot.
— neil young (@neilyoung11) October 3, 2020
— neil young (@neilyoung11) October 3, 2020
Some commentators wonder if the show would be possible in age of political correctness and would be inherently partisan, disproportionately criticising the right-wing of politics.
— Mikky 🇬🇧 (@big_mikky) September 22, 2020
— Archie Leishman🏴 (@ognittis37) October 3, 2020
However, in the 1980s and 90', Spitting Image's crass humour served as an outlet for discontent against the rightward drift of the Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan years.
— Grant White (@GrantWhiteTZ) December 21, 2019
Co-curator Roger Law said it was a "good time" to resurrect the show, as the situation at the time was "not dissimilar with what's going on now", regarding Brexit and the Trump Administration.